Total Lifetime Fitness Interview

October 21, 2008

In our Total Lifetime Fitness Radio Network Interview, Kristy Lee talks about how people can stay motivated to follow-through on lifetime training programs and how people can realistically fit exercise into their day. She discusses the childhood obesity epidemic and the long-lasting benefits of sports participation for children. Importantly, Kristy Lee discusses how parents can help their children to become healthier and more active.

Listen to Kristy Lee’s interview here

Got Muscle Confusion?

October 18, 2008

A question that I am often asked by frustrated fitness enthusiasts is “Why have my results stopped? I am doing the same routine as before – what happened?”

This is a common place to end up, usually a few months after starting a new exercise routine. At first your body responds to your routine in lost pounds and gained muscle one, then one day your results screech to a stop.

What happened? And, more importantly, what can you do about it?

You may have heard the saying, “When you discover tat you are riding a dead horse, the best idea is to get off.” This is the perfect analogy for your stale workout routine.

The Problem: Your body has adapted to your routine. Let’s face it, when you can do your workout routine in your sleep … it’s time for something new!
The Solution: It’s time to shake things up, and to apply the concept of muscle confusion.

Muscle confusion means that you keep your body guessing by changing your routine. The following are great ways to do just that:

1. Exercises: When you know that your routine has lost its effectiveness the first obvious thing to change are the actual exercises. It is important to include every major muscle group in your routine, so be sure to exchange each exercise for one that works the same muscle group.

2. Resistance: Do you find yourself always reaching for the same dumbbells, or placing the pin in the same notch of the weight stack? Change your weight as well as the number of repetitions performed. If you normally do 12-15 repetitions … then increase the weight and do 6-8. The key is to challenge your muscles in a new way.

3. Equipment: There are so many different pieces of exercise equipment out there – don’t limit your routine to just one type. If you love working with dumbbells but your routine has fallen flat, put them aside and try something new. A little creativity can really jump start your progress.

4. Style: So often the training style that we are first taught sticks with us forever. For you this may be the style of doing one set, taking a rest period, and then doing another set. Or maybe you have caught on to the curcuit training style that keeps your heart rate elevated throughout the routine. Whatever your chosen style, be sure to change it once your routine ceases to produce results.

Now, don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that you need a brand new workout every day of the week. In fact, your body will take some time to adjust to each new workout, so it should be done for the appropriate amount of time before results start to slack off.

What is that ‘sweet spot’ of time that each new routine should be used before moving on to the next? Well, the answer to that question is as unique as each person reading this.

For some this will mean a new routine every 2-3 weeks, and for others it will mean a new routine every 6-8 weeks. Typically the fitter you are the quicker your body will adapt to each new routine.

Muscle confusion plays a big part of the programs that I provide for my clients and it’s one of the little secrets I use to deliver fast results.

Want to know more? Contact me today to get started on your own program aimed at weight loss success!

5 Great Baby Boomer Exercises

October 16, 2008

Getting older doesn’t mean you can’t get yourself into shape. As you age, it is important to keep a balanced exercise program including endurance training, strength training, balance exercises, and stretching exercises. By performing all of these activities, you can maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.

Here are five great exercises that will help keep you looking and feeling great.

1.  Walking

Walking is one of the simplest exercises around, but is still a great way to get in shape, lose weight and keep it off. You can do it on your own, start walking with a buddy or with your dog, or join a local walking club. The best part about walking is you can do it anywhere: the gym, the mall, the local park, around the block, or on a treadmill in your living room. That makes it much easier to stick to than other exercise plans because it’s harder to avoid. And depending on where you walk and who you do it with, it can also be tons of fun.

2.  Water Aerobics

This is a great way to exercise and make friends, whether you’re new to exercise or are in great shape. Gyms usually offer classes for all ages, skill levels, and goal levels. The water offers great resistance, plus it’s low impact and therefore easier on your body. You get the burn of a high impact workout without the strain on your body.

3.  Weight Training

Did you know that people who work out and do weight training lose just as much weight, but a much higher percentage of that weight is body fat. Weight training doesn’t have to be hard and it doesn’t mean you’re going to get big and bulky. Plus, weight training in addition to your exercise routine can decrease loss of muscle mass and bone density and help you maintain mobility and balance as you age, which can greatly improve your health and quality of life.

4.  Yoga

While some yoga requires an enormous amount of strength and balance, there are plenty of poses that are great for those who are just getting started or who might have health issues. Try taking a class specifically targeted to beginners or those with lower skill levels. Yoga is a great way to gain flexibility and retain balance, and it’s also great for staying relaxed and getting a better nights sleep.

5.  Sports

No, you’re probably not going to be a professional athlete any time soon, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go out and have some fun. Many local community centers and senior organizations have ‘for fun’ sports leagues that you can join. You can meet people, stay in shape, and have a little fun. Don’t want to play in a league? Why not just go to the park and play baseball with your grandkids; you’ll get a good workout that way too!

Whatever you do to stay in shape, the most important part is to have fun. That way, you’ll stick with it and stay healthy for a long time to come.

Contact Kristy

Core Training: Why it Matters to You

October 16, 2008

It seems that you can’t walk through a gym these days without the term “core” landing on your ear. Likewise, infomercial products routinely promise to tighten, trim, and tone your “core” and even magazine headlines boast ‘Secrets to an Envious Core’.

So what is all the hype about “core” training? And – more importantly – why should you care?

Since the fitness industry is notorious for going through crazes (remember jazzercise in the 80’s and kickboxing in the 90’s) it’s understandable for you to be skeptical of the latest fad. However, I have news for you.

Core training is definitely worth your time.

In fact, training your core will result in tremendous benefits in a relatively short amount of time. This is because a strong core improves your posture, decreases your chance of injury, increases your power and functionality, and gives you a great-looking lean midsection.

Core training is rapidly gaining popularity for one specific reason: sitting leads to a weak core. Sitting? yep, sitting.

Think about your typical work day. If you are like most people then your day starts with a 30-60 minute drive to work, followed by 8 hours at your desk and then another 30-60 minute drive home. That’s a lot of sitting. And it all adds up to one thing: a weak core.

What is Core Training?
The term “core” refers to the muscles of your abdominals and those of your lower back. If you picture your body and then aim for the very center you would be looking directly at your core. The muscles that make up the core play a unique role since they provide stabilization for your entire body.

Core training seeks to strengthen the muscles of your abdominal and lower back using coordinated movement. A strong focus is put on contracting your abdominal muscles by pulling your belly button in toward your spine throughout the exercises to ensure that your core muscles are engaged.

What are the risks of a weak Core?
Unfortunately many ailments stem from having weak core muscles. You may be personally acquainted with the most common ailment … lower back pain. Other problems include poor posture, being injury prone, having minimal strength and (drum roll please) a bulging waistline.

If you are suffering from a weak core then read on…

What are the benefits of a strong Core?
Alleviating persistent back pain is one of the most welcomed benefits of a strong core. An increase in strength and protection from injury are also nice, and who doesn’t love to lose inches from their waist as a result of tightened muscle?

Everyday motions such as lifting, squatting, reaching, twisting and bending will become less challenging after strengthening your core. While you may not immediately see the value in this, remember that it is better to be safe than sorry – who really wamts to throw out their back while taking out the trash? I sure don’t.

How can I strengthen my Core?

A great place to start is to practice the technique mentioned earlier – pull your belly button in toward your spine, not simply by sucking in your gut, but by contracting your abdominals. Do you feel it? Good. Now make it a habit to do this exercise while you sit. Like on the drive to work … at work … on the drive home – you get the idea.

It doesn’t stop there – you also want to routinely exercise the muscles of your abdominals and lower back. This can be done by performing exercises that target these specific areas such as crunches and bridges.

If your interest has been roused and you want to learn more about core training, then contact me! I work around the clock to bring fitness into the lives of my clients, and I would love to help you too!!